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Colin Ford (ColinFordActor) tweeted that he’s returned home from Vancouver where he had a “blast” filming SPN, but can’t give away any spoilers.
Chad Lindberg (ChadLindberg) tweeted that he had his mom re-pierce his ear to play Dr. Badass. Now that’s painful commitment!

Traci Dinwiddie (GrooveGoddess) tweeted that she finished filming Elena Undone. The IMDB blurb says, “Fate brings two diversely different women together, and sets them on a collision course that will shatter their preconceived notions about love, life and the power of one's soul.”
Danneel Harris has been in a tweet war with E!’s Ted Casablanca over her engagement to Jensen. The girl put Ted in his place though!

Supernatural received a GLAAD nomination. “The Real Ghostbusters” was recognized as an Outstanding Individual Episode in a series without a regular LGBT character.
And, lastly, a casting call has gone out for episode 5.17 – 99 Problems. If you don’t mind a minor spoiler check it out here.