As we get closer and closer to the new episode (3 days, people) and the pain that we know is going to come with it...HEARTBREAK, THERE'S GOING TO BE about a little bit of laughter to prelighten our mood!
ash4897 reminds us that the cast we love are complete idjits in her Season 8 Gag Reel vid to the dulcet tones of Michael Buble's It's a Beautiful Day, which it totally is when you watch these adorable goofballs.
And now *INSERT DRUM ROLL* my first ever submitted vid!
This is from Shiridark who created this video as a tribute to Dean. She thought I might like it, (wonder why) and I did.
This is from Shiridark who created this video as a tribute to Dean. She thought I might like it, (wonder why) and I did.
The song is Desperate by David Archuleta.
Thanks for submitting your vid, Shiridark!
Thanks for submitting your vid, Shiridark!
Don't forget, if you're a vidder and would like me to feature one of your fanvids in my fanvid of the week post, just hit me up via the contact form on the left panel ------------->
See you next time!