Saturday, January 11, 2014

Supernatural fanvid of the week! A doubleheader!

This week, I have 2 fanvids. The first is by vidder ash487 and the 2nd is my first ever submitted vid!

As we get closer and closer to the new episode (3 days, people) and the pain that we know is going to come with it...HEARTBREAK, THERE'S GOING TO BE about a little bit of laughter to prelighten our mood!

ash4897 reminds us that the cast we love are complete idjits in her Season 8 Gag Reel vid to the dulcet tones of Michael Buble's It's a Beautiful Day, which it totally is when you watch these adorable goofballs.

And now *INSERT DRUM ROLL*  my first ever submitted vid!

This is from Shiridark who created this video as a tribute to Dean. She thought I might like it, (wonder why) and I did.

The song is Desperate by David Archuleta.

Thanks for submitting your vid, Shiridark!

Don't forget, if you're a vidder and would like me to feature one of your fanvids in my fanvid of the week post, just hit me up via the contact form on the left panel ------------->

See you next time!
