Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sera Gamble Tribute Rewatch Twitter Party
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Review - Supernatural season 7 finale - 7.23 "Survival Of The Fittest"
Friday, May 18, 2012
Supernatural Season Finale
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Supernatural Love
The show in question was Supernatural, of course, and what a ride the blog has been. We've talked about monster-of-the-week episodes versus big story arc episodes, whether or not we liked the females cast on the show, our favorite hilarious quotes, how many times the Winchester boys could possibly say the word "dude" (sometime I'm going to watch all the episodes and count this), and "OMG, where are they going with this storyline?!" We've laughed at "bitch/jerk", "idjits" and how the boys always seem to stay in the crappiest motels known to man. We've squeed when we met Jared, Jensen, Misha, etc. We've increased our love for classic rock songs. We've snorted at the funny outtakes and goofy videos online (seriously, I'll never be able to hear "Eye of the Tiger" again without thinking of Jensen). We've cried when beloved characters have been killed (Bobby -- wah!). We've just developed a deep and abiding love for the show, its creators, the actors, basically anyone affiliated with it in any way. We're the Supernatural tribe, and that's okay. More than okay. It's pretty dang cool.
Thank you for being part of our tribe. So I'll sign off with something I hope will make you laugh. I know it does me every time I see it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
More Than Entertainment
Many also have devoted fandoms, often young people, who create fanfic and fan art and fanvids and so on.
But very, very few achieve the all-ages cult following that Supernatural has achieved.
How many TV shows have worldwide conventions featuring guest stars who were on one episode? The opportunity to meet some of those actors, all of whom are tremendous personalities, gave me some of the best memories of my life.
How many TV shows are responsible for building dental clinics and refurbishing orphanages in Haiti? Misha Collins, of course, gets all the credit for turning the fandom into a force for good, but the fact that the fandom exists made Random Acts possible.
Who would have guessed that Jared Padalecki could turn a birth announcement into $80,000 for St. Jude Children's Hospital?
"Experts" are always talking about how technology and the Internet and social media are distancing us from our communities, but this blog has helped me make great friends in Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, and Georgia, and connect with fans in Brazil and Australia and Russia and South Africa. How can you put that in a negative light?
Watching a good TV show is relaxing and entertaining. Talking about it is fun. Dissecting, analyzing, debating, and speculating is fantastic, and it has made the last few years some of the best. It's stimulated my creativity and helped me write books I love, and even better, stimulated other authors' creativity so I had great books to read.
I love you all, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all of this with me. Trish, Tanya, MJ, and Terri, no matter where our paths take us, whenever I hear Carry On, Wayward Son, I will think of you.
After, of course, I imagine Sam and/or Dean Winchester with no shirts on.
Waving Goodbye
Thanks for joining us here! May your apocalypses be few and your musical playlist always be kick ass.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
A Sad Adieu
I’m so sad to be bidding Supernatural Sisters adieu. Each one of us will be saying goodbye this week. I just want to say how much I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie of my sister fangirls. It has been a pleasure to share our love of the show, to debate the pluses and minuses of each episode, to better get to know the SPN community and, of course, to rhapsodize about our love for Jensen and Jared.
As writers we may view the show from a slightly different perspective. We know what it takes to build three dimensional characters you can fall in love with, the finesse necessary to write believable relationships the viewer or reader will willingly invest in, the art of escalating conflicts to keep things from being staid while furthering a character’s story arc, the challenge of keeping storylines fresh, the skill of juggling humor, horror and human emotion and the thirst to push our boundaries as artists. The writers of SPN do all of this and so much more which is why we became the Supernatural Sisters.
As the show has grown and evolved, so have we. It has been a privilege and a thrill to see my sisters achieve so many successes. And I know there are tons more to come. I only have three regrets. One, we never got to do that set visit. Two, Jim Beaver never got back to me with that interview. And three, we never had a Supernatural Sisters get-together at a con. Maybe we could still pull off that last one….
In the meantime, thank you to our readers, the authors who’ve guest blogged and the Supernatural super stars who’ve granted us interviews.
I’ll still be watching. Nothing short of the actual Apocalypse could keep me from finding out how things finally end for Sam and Dean Winchester. 'Til then, see you later idjits.
Love & hugs, Terri Clark
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Supernatural Sisters Must Say Goodbye
We've had recaps, guest posts, interviews with guest stars and related celebrities (or "celebrity-adjacent" as Harry of Ghostfacers would say :) ). We've run contests and debated storylines with some of our favorite fellow fans, and we've loved every minute of it.
Unfortunately, times have changed. Supernatural is continuing, but alas, the Sisters cannot. We've exhausted much of our passion for the show, but more importantly, the demands and responsibilities of our careers and families have grown so much that we aren't doing this blog justice.
We're not disappearing completely. The blog will stay live indefinitely, as some of our most popular posts are three years old, and we're always eager to bring new members into the fandom.
Our books will continue, too. Though we've tried not to make this a place for Blatant Self-Promotion (or BSP), we've occasionally mentioned new releases, especially those that were inspired by the characters or worldbuilding on the show. We invite you to check us out online, chat with us on Facebook and Twitter, and, if you are so inclined, read our books. :)
This week, we will each have a post saying what the show and this blog have meant to us, culminating in our final episode recap/review. We hope you'll all comment on that recap so we can share our final episode with you.
Thank you so much, every single person who's ever visited Supernatural Sisters, but especially our regular readers and commenters. The journey we've taken with a TV show has been far richer and more exciting with all of you along for the ride.
Trish Milburn/Tricia Mills
Tanya Michaels/Tanya Michna
MJ Fredrick
Terri Clark
Natalie J. Damschroder
Review Supernatural 7.22 “There Will Be Blood”
Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next week for the season 7 finale! *Meep*
Until then, please enjoy this cap of Dean winking….
And here's the promos for next week's season finale!

Friday, May 11, 2012
There Will Be Blood
Anyway, I realized what was going on when I started watching at about the 25-minute mark. As you can imagine, I was confused for a while. I came in at the point where Sam and Dean are talking to a vampire on a bench drinking what looks like a Big Gulp. Evidently, something wonky is going on because the vamp doesn't act like a vamp. I find out later that Dick Roman and his Leviathan buddies are putting something in the vamps' food supply (??) that's making them dumb. Later Edgar the Leviathan reveals that they plan to take out the vamps, werewolves, shifters, basically anything that feeds on humans so all the humans are left for the Leviathans. Wow, I'll be so glad when the Leviathans are gone.
Anyway, after a little online research, I figure out that there are three things that Sam and Dean need to make a weapon to kill the Leviathans. Something from Castiel, something from Crowley, and blood from the Alpha vampire. There's also a girl named Emily who Sam and Dean are helping, evidently because she'd been kidnapped as a child by the Alpha. Only she's playing Sam and Dean, and she's really on the Alpha's side. Dean, being Dean, makes a smart-ass comment about Stockholm syndrome.
When the Alpha's henchmen grab Sam and Dean, the boys try to tell the Alpha what Dick and his crew are up to, but the Alpha insists he's on good terms with Dick. But you see a hint of question in his expression, so it's not a surprise when Edgar shows up and the Alpha brings up what the boys said. Fighting ensues, and the boys, who have managed to free themselves, cut off Edgar's head. The Alpha gives Sam and Dan a glass of his blood for their weapon and sends them on their way, but not before agreeing to let a little boy he has taken go with them.
Meanwhile, back at the motel, Bobby jumps into a cleaning lady's body, figures out the code to the safe that holds his flask (to which his spirit is evidently attached), and heads off to presumably kick Dick Roman's ass. You know, for killing him. When Sam and Dean return to find Bobby and the flask gone, they worry about where Bobby is and what he's going to do, but they have no idea where to look for him. They talk about being partway to being able to take down Roman, and how the plan rests with Crowley now. "What could go wrong?" Dean asks.
Cut to a scene where Dick is calling up Crowley into a devil's trap and telling him they need to talk.
Word is that someone on the good side is going to bite it in the season finale, and I'm afraid it's going to be Castiel. I really don't want to see him gone for good, but then I want him and Bobby back to the way they were. My favorite episodes are the ones where Sam, Dean, Castiel and Bobby were working and wisecracking together. I miss that.