So how do you cope? Some of the typical fan coping mechanisms are:
1. Re-watch the first three seasons--four if you DVRed and kept the last one.
2. Keep up with goings on with the Supernatural official magazine by Titan.
3. Read the Season Companions for the first three seasons, and all the companion books. Depending on how fast a reader you are and how much time you have, this can get you through the whole summer!
4. Read or re-read the comic books and novelizations.
Let's face it, though, we've a lot of that already, having suffered through three summer hiatuses and way too many mid-season breaks, not to mention the writer's strike. So how else can we make it through?

The season 4 DVD cover art is out, so you can download that, print it 150 times, and wallpaper your room with it.
Or you could bid on Supernatural posters on eBay. 39 came up in my search, and some were at well below-market prices.
Venture Beyond
It's a joke that Jared and Jensen do a lot of horror movies between seasons, and some of us can't handle that without a lot of support (i.e. taking a gaggle of friends to the theater). But Devour, House of Wax, Friday the 13th, and My Bloody Valentine aren't the only other options out there. Give Gilmore Girls a try, and marvel at how Jared's boyish mannerisms haven't changed, regardless of how much he has. Check out Dark Angel for a much more happy-go-lucky Jensen, or Smallville season 4 (though I have to warn you, most of his scenes are with Lana *gag*).
And in the dark, lonely days of early September, when you're desperate and don't think you'll make it, go ahead. Give in. Rent New York Minute and Blonde. It'll be okay--no one else has to know.
Let the Fandom Get You Through
There is fanfic galore out there, everything from canon-focused, general fiction to hard-core slash. But that's not all. There are cartoons, stop-action doll theater, and many other creative outlets (themed picture sets, videos). Even laundry lists! A great place to start is Supernatural Wiki, which links to fan offerings.
Anyone have any other hiatus coping mechanisms to offer?