Condolences go out to all the fans attending the "Salute to Supernatural" in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, since Jared canceled. As one of those despondent fans, I know what we offer here can't come close to healing that disappointment. But maybe it can be a bit of a balm, at least...
Monday: Trish explores Sam and Dean's relationships with John and each other.
Tuesday: MJ follows suit with an exploration of the relationships--and relations--Sam and Dean have with women.
Wednesday: Tanya departs from the trend by reviewing In the Hunt: Unauthorized Essays on Supernatural.
Thursday: Natalie explores how fans' relationships with the show lead them to exploring and developing other interests.
Friday: Terri reviews this week's episode!
So be sure to come back each day, see what we have to say, and weigh in with your own thoughts and perspectives!