The culmination of five years opens in an unexpected place. Chuck is starting a new story. Turn outs GM celebrated the 100 millionth vehicle rolling off the line on April 21, 1967. The blue two-door Caprice was celebrated with a lot of fanfare, but three days later the Chevy Impala left the line and became the “most important object in pretty much the whole universe.” It was first owned by Sal Moriarty, an alcoholic who gave away bibles to the poor so they could “get right for judgment day.” Then it ended up at Rainbow Motors where a young marine bought the car after getting some friendly encouragement from his future son. I’m not entirely sure where Chuck is going with this, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to like it….
“If anybody can do it, it’s you.” Dean to Sam
Things move fast from here. The boys are drinking a beer in Bobby’s junkyard and Dean tells Sam he’s down with the whole devil plan. He asks his overgrown brother if he’s sure he wants to jump in the cage and Sam said he let Lucifer out, so he has to put him back in. From there they gank two demons and drain them of blood so Sammy can have all the “go juice” he wants. Bobby shows Dean some possible apocalyptic headlines and Dean decides the devil’s in Detroit. He always said he’d jump Sam there. On the drive there, with a very human Cass snoring in the back seat, Sam makes Dean promise he won’t try to get him from Hell, it could create more problems. Instead he wants Dean to promise he’ll return to Lisa and lead a normal apple pie life.
“See you around, Kid.” Bobby to Sam
They arrive in Detroit and dozens of demons are milling around. It’s time! Bobby tells Sam to fight tooth and nail. Not to give an inch. They hug and Sam is barely holding it together. Then he tells Cass to take care of everyone, but in Cass’s brutally honest fashion, he says he can’t. Sam implies he should’ve lied and Cass tries hilariously to carry it off, but it’s so not working. Sam opens the trunk and asks Dean not to watch as he downs the blood. The absolute helplessness and horror Dean feels about this situation is written all over his face. Sam loudly announces their arrival and the brothers are dragged before a peeling, putrid Lucifer.
“It’s the blemishes that make her beautiful.” Chuck
Chuck continues his narrative about the Impala. He explains how the car is similar to others, but points out the important parts that make it different—the army man Sam crammed in the ashtray and is still stuck there, the Legos that clink around in the heating vents, the place where they carved their initials with knives. Fortunately for them, the devil doesn’t know or care what kind of car the boys drive.
“Chock full of Ovaltine, are we?” Lucifer to Sam
Sam obliterates Lucifer’s henchman without a blink of effort and then explains he wants to say yes. Lucifer can ride him as long as Sam and Dean live and Lucifer brings back their parents. Now comes the really, really bad part. Lucifer knows about their ace in the hole. He knows about the rings. Panic leeches into Dean’s eyes, but Sam tries to deny their plan.
“A fiddle of gold against your soul, says I’m better than you.” Lucifer to Sam The devil insists he’s not mad. He’ll go one round in Sam’s noggin. If Sam can overpower him he can jump in the hole. If he wins, well, he wins. Dean is terrified, but Sam says they have no choice. He accepts the challenge. Bright light burns. Both of them collapse. Dean activates the rings. A gate to Hell opens. Sam gets up and Dean tries to get him to jump in. Then you see the exact instant when the devil wins and Sam is gone. Lucifer closes the portal and disappears. The utter devastation on Dean’s face is heartbreaking.
“Such anger, young Skywalker.” Lucifer to Sam.
The devil beams into a room with a circle of people. He snaps and crackles in his new body, says he can feel Sam scratching away. Facing a mirror he allows Sam to have his say. Sam vows to destroy him from the inside out, but the devil tells him to quit fighting the inevitable. They are two halves of a whole. He’s his true family. Sam always felt out of place. When he ran away he wasn’t running from John and Dean, but rather toward Lucifer. Then the devil shows Sam the people in the room – his old grade school teacher, a childhood friend, his prom date—they were all plants in his life, Azaziel’s gang jerking him around like a dog on a chain. He then says he knows how much Sam hates that and they should blow off some steam. He kills them all with Sam's hands.
“I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol and just wait for the inevitable blast wave.” Cass
Earthquakes are hitting the entire world. Dean asks Cass and Bobby what they should do next, but they’ve both given up.
Chuck is writing an affectionate scene about the boys lives on the road. The freedom and beauty they found in an otherwise unconventional life. Their home was with each other. Then the phone rings. “Mistress Magda.” Uh, nope. It’s Dean and he gives him a hard time for the whole virgin/hooker thing he’s got going on. Then he asks if he knows when the big fight is going down. Tomorrow. High noon. Stull Cemetery outside of Lawrence. It all has to end where it started.
“You’re going to do something stupid. You got that look.” Bobby to Dean
Bobby and Cass try to talk Dean out of going after Sam. He says he’s got nothing to lose. Cass assures him the only thing he’ll see is Michael killing his brother. Dean says then he won’t let him die alone. Sniff sniff.
“We’re brothers. Let’s just walk off the chessboard?" Lucifer to Michael
The brothers greet each other on the battle field. Lucifer tries to talk Michael out of fighting to the death. He blames their father for everything, but Michael refuses. Then there’s double talk that could’ve just as easily been between Sam and Dean about John. Just as they’re ready to rumble we hear the sexy purr of the Metallicar and see an even sexier “do or die” look on Dean’s face as he shoves a cassette in. Gunter glieben glauchen globen. Def Leppard says it’s better to burn out than fade away.

“Dean, even for you this is a whole new mountain of stupid.” Lucifer
Dean isn’t exactly warmly greeted. He wants five minutes to talk to Sam and he attempts to apologize to Adam, but Michael is pissed by the interruption. Then in the funniest line ever Cass shows up and yells, “Hey, assbutt,” before throwing a holy fire molotov cocktail that burns up Michael. Uh oh! Lucifer is crazy mad. He freakin’ snaps his fingers and blows Cass into bloody chunks that spatter Bobby. Nooooo! Dean tries to reach Sam and Lucifer turns on him. He throws Dean into the Impala’s window and Bobby starts shooting at the devil. He gives Dean a “guess this is it” look just as Lucifer snaps his fingers and snaps Bobby’s neck. Nooooo!!!!! Then Lucifer beats the ever lovin’ bloody hell out of Dean’s gorgeous face. We’re talking a swollen, pulpy, lumpy mess and still Dean assures his little brother, whose got to be in there somewhere, that
he’s here and won’t leave him. Sob. Just as Lucifer draws his fist back for the death blow, sunlight glints off the Impala, Sammy sees the army man in the ashtray, memories of their life and love flash through him at lightning speed and— Hallelujah—Sam gains control of the devil.
“It’s okay, Dean. It’s going to be okay. I’ve got him.” Sam
He throws the horsemen’s rings to the ground and opens the gate. Fear and horror wash over Sam’s face and then he shores up his courage to take the plunge. Michael shows up and says it can’t end this way. He has to fight his brother. In a beautiful moment of release Sam gives himself up to the fall. Michael tries to yank him from the edge, but Sam pulls him in with him. The ground closes up. A new and improved Cass shows up to heal Dean and raise Bobby from dead.
“Any chap-assed monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning.” Chuck
Chuck ruminates about the difficulty of endings. It’s impossible to tie up every loose end, please every fan, make it all add up to something.
Cass intends to return to Heaven and become the new sheriff in town. Dean swears he’s going after God next. He wants to know where his grand prize is, his brother. Cass said he got what he asked for…no paradise, no hell, just more of the same. What would he rather have, peace or freedom?
According to Chuck, Dean and Bobby say goodbye and won’t see each other for a long time. Bobby goes back to hunting, but Dean didn’t want Cass to save him. He wants to die or find a way to bring Sam back, but he decides to keep his promise. He shows up on Lisa’s doorstop asking for that long ago offer of a beer. She says it’s never too late and then holds him while he cries.
“No doubt, endings are hard. Then again, nothing ever really ends. Does it?” Chuck (or God?)
Chuck disappears after writing THE END and we see Dean eating dinner with Lisa and her son. The streetlight outside burns out and--surprise--Sam is watching. That's all folks....
Last night’s finale left me stunned. I’m just so glad Bobby and Cass lived and that wasn’t THE END. Had that been the series ender I would've been crushed. I love how the Impala became a character in the episode and saved the boys, saved the world. The acting by everyone in this episode was beyond amazing. (I want to see awards!) I’m still picking up bits and pieces of my heart today. Now I’m just dying to know what’s next. What did you think? And any predictions for next season?