One of the shows that I didn't watch when it was on and which friends have been urging me to watch for some time is Gilmore Girls. In fact, fellow Supernatural Sister MJ took her urging to the next level and bought me the first season on DVD for my birthday. So recently I started watching. Let's just say I'm already into season two, and I get a little surge of joy when a new Netflix disc arrives.

Some of the mannerisms and speech patterns are still there, especially when he's upset. He's still tall and lanky, though not as ripped. I'm doubting Rory is going to be swooning at any wet chest towel scenes (my, is it warm in here?). And he's still good looking -- the type of guy I would have totally fallen for during my own nerdy high school years. There's even some of the confidence and cockiness mixed with bouts of being unsure about himself that we see in Sam.
You know what would be funny? If Rory and Lorelai Gilmore showed up on an episode of Supernatural and talked a demon to death. :) Hey, if they can have Paris Hilton...
FYI: If anyone is going to Dragon*Con over the Labor Day weekend, Supernatural Sister Tanya and I will be there spreading the word about the blog and generally getting our geek on. And there's a Supernatural fan discussion on the program for Friday at 10 p.m.