Fringe and Supernatural are once again in competition. I for one am glad to have a dual tuner Tivo, but that doesn't make this comment by Fox exec any less irritating.
The CW president doesn't seem to agree. She told E! online she'd be shocked if SPN didn't get picked up for season 7.
Last week Jim Beaver tweeted that during filming of the episode, "And Then There Were None," 38 cast and crew members were sick! Yuck!
Supernatural has been nominated for best sound effects in the Motion Picture Sound Editors' Golden Reel Award.
And it looks like we're finally going to have a funny episode in February, titled "The French Mistake."
Did you know Blog Talk Radio has interviews with production people from Supernatural? Check it out.
Meanwhile, are y'all watching Being Human? I really liked the first episode, and it slides right into my Monday night TV.