So Kripke is rumored to be thinking about a season 6. And as much as I love this show, love love love this show, I wonder if this is a good idea. Kripke had a vision, and if he continues the story past that, will it weaken the concept? I looked at other long-running shows to see how they fared past season 5. Kripke is talented, but so are Joss, Amy and Shonda, as well as Lindeloff and Cuse.
Buffy—Was meant to end after Season 5, with Buffy facing off with Glory. Maybe it should have stopped then, but then we wouldn’t have “Once More With Feeling.”
Gilmore Girls—should have ended after season 5, with Luke and Lorelei happily ever after. The estrangement, April and the Chris/Lorelei thing…ugh. Even Zack and Lane. I did like the mother’s larger role.
LOST—okay, it had a rough spot or two with the tailies, but boy, I can’t wait for Season 6. It certainly picked up when the writers knew they had an end date. I think that was wise.
Monk—the dh and I stopped watching because Monk stopped being sympathetic.
24—this one has had some hit and miss seasons. I liked last season, but the one with Audrey? No thanks.
Sex and the City—Okay, I could have done without the Paris trip, but then, Mikhail Baryshnikov. But I loved the Samantha/Smith story.
Grey’s Anatomy—It started losing ground in season 5, and now most of the people I know are hit and miss with what used to be appointment TV.
Friends ran for 10 years, but a comedy, I think, is different. This show had its flat moments, particularly after Ross and Emily married in season 5. The next five seasons of will-they-won’t-they at least played in the background most of the time, and the Monica/Chandler relationship saved it. Elle Macpherson was a misstep, as was Ross dating his student. Brad Pitt was a win, though. And Joey’s Thanksgiving pants.
ER—I stopped watching ER when Maura Tierney became a regular. Her sadsack character irritated me, and every time ratings rolled around, something blew up in the ER. That wasn’t how the show started, because it was a story about the people and relationships. It morphed into something else.
I know some of you watch Smallville and NCIS, which are both long-running shows. Is this good or bad? What do you think about the possibility of a Supernatural Season Six?