It was my week to do the episode recap, but there wasn't a new episode. Wah! Because I didn't realize this sooner, I didn't come up with a fabulous post to put up instead. So, I decided to start a discussion about the episodes we've seen so far.
My favorite episode so far this season was last week's, "I Believe The Children Are Our Future." One of the biggest "Whoa, didn't see that coming" moments of the season (and series) with the whole the Antichrist is an unknowing child thing. Plus, it did my heart good to see that despite everything they've been through, the brothers still managed to believe that this kid could still make the right decision and turn out to be a good guy. I really hope they're right. I think the casting people do a wonderful job with child guest stars, and Gattlin Griffith as Jesse was another superb choice. When I looked up his IMDB page, I noticed he's also in the current release, Couples Retreat, and has been a guest star on several shows.
Though many were wanting a lighter episode amidst all the darkness, my least favorite episode of the season so far is "Fallen Idol." There were definite funny moments and I like the end where Sam and Dean finally make peace.
What's been your favorite so far? Your least favorite? Why? How do you like how Kripke and the gang are doing so far this season?