Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Colt

I thought I’d write about the Colt, a modified Paterson pistol (named for the city in NJ where it was manufactured) which plays such an integral part to Supernatural. It bothers me that in John’s speech introducing the gun, he said it was made in 1835 the night those men died at the Alamo. Dude, the Battle of the Alamo was 1836. (Jared should have known that, native San Antonian that he is.) There was a battle in 1835 but not nearly as bloody. It lasted for five days, not one night.


Anyway, I started wondering about Samuel Colt, this real person who the Winchesters credit with all this occult knowledge. So I googled.

Yes, I googled. If I’d thought about writing this, you know, before Sunday, I might have hit the library.


He took out his first patent in 1835, when he was only 21.

He had to close his gun plant in 1842 because he couldn’t sell the Army on the necessity of his guns. They did use them for the Seminole Indian wars, though.

In 1846, he got an order for more guns and had to rebuild a factory using an assembly line.

He never fired a gun at another person.

He helped develop underground telegraph lines and underwater explosives that could be detonated by remote control.

He was a mason.

He died at the age of 47, in 1862. So....not absolutely sure of my history here, but I don’t think Wyoming had a lot of railroads by the time he died.

Anyone know why Kripke chose to base the myth on this real person? (Who knows, maybe he went to the library ;) )